Hi Everyone,
This will hopefully be a short article, as I do not want to rant.
The longer I live, I understand better what Jesus meant when He said "Thy will be done", "Not my will but Your will be done". I have learned that in all things God's will is what is going to be done, regardless of how we feel about the situation. I have to make peace with every decision God makes for my life. I have learned that as humans we have very little control over anything.
This past week, August 29th to be precise - God did something for me that I will praise Him for, for the rest of my life. The devil started messing with me a week before or so, I had sleepless nights, I was worrying, I had to sing hymns or gospel songs to myself in the middle of the night just to encourage myself and so much more. Then I remembered that I had to surrender, I woke up every morning and reminded God that it was all in His hands, and that things are only going to go the way He wants things to go.
In the end, things worked out well, and I am at peace, and I went back and wrote my praise reports at the organizations/churches that prayed for me. God's will has been done, and the case is now closed. May God's name be praised!
At some point I will blog about the marvelous did of God that I mentioned above.
This brings me to my next topic. This can be touchy for many people. So, I have to tread carefully. I have struggled with the desire to get married for many years, and I am still single which is all part of God's will. I know it will happen in God's time and it's all in His hands. Anyway, I have had many friends and family who have introduced me to Intercessors, so that they will pray with me until I get my breakthrough. Now, as much as I believe in prayer, and intercessory prayers, I have learned from my experience (my experience alone), that the intercessors I was introduced to by several different people only used me for one reason - money. They get a few hundred dollars from you, and they disappear and stop picking up my phone calls. Beware!
Again, I have learned that - in everything God's perfect Will will be done. Not mine, not yours, not an Intercessor's, not anyone's will, but His will. So, Abba Father - my marriage, husband, and children are in Your hands. I know in Your time, You will perfect them and the devil will be defeated. Amen.
As I close, I want to leave you with this scripture - "...Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:10
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